Organizational Structure
All parents are members of the corporation. In this role, parents are responsible for electing the corporation's Board of Directors-the governing body of the Center. The Board consists of parents, faculty and, at times, community members. Parents may volunteer to sit on the Board, and officers of the Board are elected at each annual meeting in October. The Board meets with the Executive Director to oversee the fiscal management and policy making of the Center. All parents and faculty, even those who have not been officially elected to the Board, are welcome to attend board meetings and participate in discussions about TCC.
The Executive Committee is a sub‑committee of the officers of the Board, including the President and Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Executive Director. The purpose of this committee is to advise the Executive Director in matters that require confidentiality or that are best handled by a small group.
The Board of Directors is responsible for hiring and supervising the Executive Director. The Executive Director is responsible for the daily operations of the center.